On my radar: Chloe Elsie replica shoulder bag and other bags

On my radar for this Spring are bags. Not just any bags, but these bags.

1- Eslie Chloe replica bag

I was looking for an oversized bag that I could use as a carry-on luggage before my trip to Thailand. But instead of finding what I was looking for, I was distracted by this bag in Shimamura. I was immediately attracted to it because of its color: tan or camel. It had this beautiful hardware detail on it. To open or close it, you had to slide this piece that looked like a clover. It is so cute and feminine while the rest of the bag is so masculine. Actually it looks like a messenger bag made for girls. I so wanted it right away. It cost nothing: barely 3000Y. But I reminded myself that the bag was not big enough to hold all the things I needed for my trip, so I put it back on the shelf, telling myself to wait for later to get it.

     I did not take any pictures of the Shimamura replica bag but it was much more prettier than the Chloe
                                                           (It had a beaten up leather look that I adore)

Imagine my surprise when- a week later-while walking in the week end market in Bangkok, I saw a lady with the same bag but in fuschia and the same hardware detail. The only difference between her bag and the one I want was that hers had "Chloe" branded on top. That is how I knew that the bag I coveted was in fact a Chloe.

Hardware detail clasp I love

I went online to check the price of this baby. Well, I found out that it would set me back to $1000 depending on where I shop. Never will I spend that much on a bag even if I could afford it. Therefore my options are these:
1- try to get a bag resembling the Chloe one in Bangkok (where they have knock offs for literally nothing-but I am not big on knock offs specially the one that has the same name as the real brand).
2- wait until I go back home and grab the Shimamura replica

No matter what, I so want this bag. I can see myself using it for so many things. And I absolutely adore the messenger straps. Shoulder bag are so in right now. (at least in my book)

2- Longchamps le Pliage bag

I have a love hate relationship with this bag. When I see it on anybody else, I absolutely love it. And I so want it for myself. Actually I always thought that it was the perfect traveling bag ever since I spotted it at the JFK airport the 1st time I moved to the US some 5 years ago. However, whenever I enter the Longchamps shop in Motomachi to purchase it, I cannot push myself to do it. I look at the bag, touch it, try it. But at the last moment, I am put off by the nylon. The bag looks so cheap. I know that it is sturdy. I read several bloggers' ode to how great the bag is really. Yet, I just cannot put that much money (10.000Y) on a nylon bag.
Yesterday, I was in the week end market in Bangkok and was close to buying a knock off Longchamps Le Pliage bag for 1350Y. It was cute but I could see that it was a knock off. My motto is that if I buy a knock off, I want to buy one that at least is very similar to the real one. I want to buy one that will not be spotted as a knock off at first sight, if you know what I mean.  That is why after bargaining, I found a reason not to buy the bag altogether....I am still looking for that one knock off bag that would make me happy. And if I do not find it in the stalls of Sukhumvit, I may try online in Japan. I know one place that is having (real) Longchamp bag for sale for 4000Y.
                                                             Longchamps Le Pliage bag for 4000Y at nissen.co.jp

3- Men's messenger bag

If there is one item of men's clothing I so long for right now is the messenger bag. Do not ask me why but I always liked messenger bags. I owned several one back in university: one Lancel given by my dad before I left home for Japan (that I wanted to give away to Goodwill because I was never using it, and my husband spotted before I threw it away and is now using as his commuting bag), a Pierre Cardin one (I bought from a lost and found in train auction at the Nagoya train station- if something is lost in the train and not claimed for one year, the Japanese railway system can sell it to get money), and a green one I got from my aunt in Italy.
Right now, I do not have any and my lifestyle does not permit me to have one (try wearing a messenger bag with a baby on your back almost every time you are out). But I do not despair. Someday, I will be free to purchase and wear any bag I want. And then the messenger bag is top on my list.

                                                              Manhattan Portage Europa bag

What bags are you craving for this Spring?

Ps: Just for pleasure:

                                                                                 La Furla Candy Bag


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